this is my mother Mary report hope you like it
The life and time of Mary mother of Jesus Introduction ( Who Mary is?)
In the catholic family Mary is the mother of everyone. Mary was chosen because she never sinned and God chose her to be the mother of Jesus.
The Annunciation
Mary was at home when the angel Gabriel came to visit her. Gabriel said you will have a baby and you will name him Jesus.It was God's idea. She was shocked because she’d never seen an angel before and she was not married but she was engaged.However she accepted his/her will.
The Visitation of Mary
Mary traveled to her relative Elizabeth's house to see her .Elisabeth already knew that Mary had a baby in her belly. Elizabeth's baby jumped for joy when it heard her voice.
Mary stayed with her for three whole months and looked after her.
The Birth of Jesus
Mary and Joseph had to be in Bethlehem because the government was counting the people in the mary had a really big belly. All of the inns were full so they had to stay in a stable. Then she had baby Jesus.Mary looked after Jesus with all her heart and keeped Jesus near her. Now we celebrate it as christmas.
The Presentation of Jesus at the Temple.
Jesus was presented to the temple by Mary and Joseph .They saw a man say I will meet the king before I die .Mary gave the man Jesusto hold then he said I have held the king.
Jesus Found in the Temple
Mary and Joseph were walking back home. They were one hour through the walk and they realized that Jesus was not with them. They looked for him for three days .
Then they finally found him in the temple and Jesus said you should have known I was here in my father's house and they went back home.
The Marriage at Cana
Mary was at Cana celebrating a wedding. They ran out of wine half way through the wedding and Mary said to Jesus, we have run out of wine. Jesus said don't tell me what to but then he did it .Mary told the servants to do what Jesus said and they said yes ma'am. Jesus said fill the buckets up with water and they turned wine .This is Jesus's first miracle
Mary at the Cross
Jesus was getting nailed on the cross Mary was watching. Jesus said to John take care of Mary and John said yes I will .He grabbed Mary and took her home with him. Easter is the time that we remember when Jesus came back to life
The Pentecost Story
Pentecost is when the Holy Spirit came down on Mary and the disciples They had flames on top of their heads to show the holy spirit was in them. They started talking in different languages but they were still praying .Mary and the disciples did many miracles following the pentecost .
Conclusion and a question.
We should be like Mary because she is loving
and cares. She is very nice and she loves everyone in the world.
Question: how is Mary like your mum?
Hi Saffy,
ReplyDeleteI can see you have done a fabulous timeline on Mary's life. I did have a bit of trouble reading some of it as it had run off the side of the page.
Remember when copying from a document onto your blog to control/shift/v to format it for a blog post.
Mary is such a role model to us even today, and it's great that we can celebrate and remember all she has done, especially as the mother of Jesus. Well done.
thank you for the helpful comment